U.S. Huanyu renewable resources international investment group is an international investment group, which is located on Wall Street, New York, USA, with the global leading high-end intellectual property rights, intelligent equipment manufacturing and international circular economy industry investment.
U.S. global diversified circular economy industry investment includes:
1: urban circular economy industry.
2: Agricultural circular economy industry.
3: Animal husbandry circular economy industry.
3: Industrial circular economy industry.
4: Marine circular economy industry.
5: Civil aviation circular economy industry.
6: Military industry circular economy industry.
7: New energy circular economy industry.
8: Big data Internet of things industry.
9: Big data logistics industry.
10: Big data intelligent equipment manufacturing industry.
The group invests and operates on all continents of the world.


The main investment of U.S. Huanyu renewable resources international investment group involves major environmental fields: (1) space environment
(2) Air purification field
(3) Land environmental protection
(4) Marine environmental protection
(1) Space environment industry
The outer space of the earth has caused great pollution and danger to the earth's space environment due to the detention of man-made satellites and the floating of fragments launched. It is the common requirement of mankind to eliminate the earth's space pollution and restore the earth's clean space.
(2) Air purification industry
In modern society, industrialization and other factors cause serious pollution to the earth's atmosphere. It is mainly manifested in the form of fog and haze; both fog and cloud are the products of water vapor condensation in the air. The main components of haze are dust, sulfur dioxide, heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, microorganisms, etc., and the thickness of haze can reach 1-3 km. With the deterioration of air quality, haze phenomenon is increasing and the harm is aggravating.
(3) Land environmental protection
With the highly developed human science and technology, the acceleration of the frequency of product upgrading, the global huge amount of circular economy industry solid waste, put in front of us. Environmental pollution events and a wave of global virus pandemic all predict the seriousness of the earth's pollution.
(4) Marine environmental protection
Marine pollution is becoming more and more serious, and its root causes are as follows: (1) coastal industrial enterprises directly discharge pollutants to the sea
(2) The area flowing into the ocean river discharges into the water body
(3) Acid rain in the sea caused by air pollution
(4) Pollution discharge industry and marine tourism enterprises
(5) Overfishing and destroying marine ecological balance


12 2024-05


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